Friday, May 5, 2017

Literature Circle Blog

May 5, 2017
Now in the book Ned has been waiting in the war for some time now and the war had been on for a good time so it is time that he gets some action. He has been in his first war but he has friends to back him up. He has some experience in war and has killed some Japanese. Now Ned is at a island (Hawaii) fighting the Japanese and they had made nicknames for many things, almost everything. The bombers were women and the fighters were men. Later the Japanese knew that the Americans and Navajos were taking them away so they had some explosives on them so when someone picked up a knife or a rations some thing would blow up. When Ned found out he sent a message on the radio. Ned was the one who gained most of the respect for the Navajos and he was really proud of himself. Even the Sargent put a note on the wall, it said that the Navajos really earned to be on every battalion to protect and sent out warnings from everywhere. Ned had to go back to share and learn more code that they had been making up, remember that the code is new and only started out with 265 words but now it had doubled.

     Three vocabulary words I chose is Wreathed which means a Japanese aircraft loaded with explosives and making a deliberate suicidal crash on an enemy target. The other vocab word is Banzai which means form of greeting Japanese emperor. And the final word is Cherokee which means a member of an American Indian people of the southeastern US, now living on reservations in Oklahoma and North Carolina. I can about these words that most of them are either native Americans words or Japanese words. Also I can tell by the context clues because you can tell by the way the words are, like Cherokee it sounds Native American.

     Three Questions I have is How did Ned feel after the bombardment because he saw so many deaths, so I got curious how did he feel when saw the deaths that happened. Another question I have is How did Ned feel after he graduated Coding School. I asked this question because enlisting in the military was Ned’s dream and going to Coding school must've been a dream. Another question is How did Ned feel when he got sent to Hawaii. I asked this question because Hawaii is the first place he got shipped out to while he was in the military, so he must have felt so many mixed emotions going through him when he found out he was going.

I commented on Dena's blog

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Jose! There a couple of errors but all in all I like your blog. This book sounded interesting to me when I first heard about it. I have a question though. Why are the bombers women and the men are fighters? Also, I learned new words from your blog like wreathed and banzai. I didn't know those words before reading this blog. It seems like you really understand your book and found it interesting. I hope to read this book in the future!
