Friday, November 11, 2016

Election Reflection

November 9th, 2016
    My thoughts on the election was kind bad. The reason why my thoughts are bad is because it ended up being Donald Trump winning instead of Hilary Clinton. I think Donald Trump would be a bad president of the things he did. He is also the first to be president that doesn't have Military and government background. While I think Hilary Clinton should have won because she was the 67th United States Secretary of State. Also she was the First Lady so therefore that would give her more background about the presidency and the election and be more experienced than Donald Trump, that was my thoughts on the election.

I would like to be involved in politics because in the next election I would be able to vote. This is important because in the next election when I'm able to vote I have to be informed about the latest news on politics. I would also like to be involved with politics because it looks and, sounds interesting to learn more about. Also it would be interesting to learn about who is in the House of Representatives and in The Senate.

I think the main issue of the whole election is Donald Trump winning because he would be bad as president. Here is some examples why Donald Trump was the main issue, Trump would be the first president that doesn't have military and government background. That is bad because the president needs to know about the military and how it works because the president is the Chief of the military. Also he doesn't have government background and that is very important for the president because if you don't know a lot about the government how are you supposed to know about the laws and how to veto a law. That's why I think Donald Trump winning was the main issue of the whole election

1 comment:

  1. I Like your blog but there are some problems. Like in the first paragraph you put Giver her instead of give her. Also in the second paragraph it say's it looks and, sounds interesting. You dont need the comma. And lastly the last sentance does not have a period. But besides that its a good blog.
